Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A New Trip, and a New Strategy

    Hello shoppers! I've got a few things to talk about today, the first being my savings on my last shopping trip. Yesterday, my husband and I did our monthy restock of our pantry at Kroger's. Our complete out of pocket came to $342.61.  Yes, still alot.... BUT I took a closer look, and found that, on the items I saved on, I had almost a 50 percent savings. The regular price of the items came to 107.58, but I paid 58.27 for them! Isn't that great??? I hope to bring down my monthly bill significantly in the future, by building up my stockpile.
    I'm having a hard time getting a stockpile started. I'm pretty sure that the problem has to do with my not having enough coupons collected yet, so I'm gonna push on through. Also, on that shopping trip, I found myself becoming frustrated with looking through my binder for a coupon, and then not using it because the deal wasn't that great. Due to that, I THINK I'm going to make a list of my coupons, alphabetically, including their values and all that for a quick in-store reference.  I'll let you know how that goes.  I have a feeling it's gonna be a little complicated because I don't have a printer. Everything will have to be hand written. . . Hopefully it will be worth it.
    In other news I received my CVS card in the mail today, and I'm uber excited about it.  I've never shopped at CVS, but it seems to be VERY popular with fellow couponers.  I'll also keep you posted about that.
    I've started getting coupons and a few freebies in the mail.  I have invested some of my time searching the internet for free samples, coupons, and free fullsize products.  I have gotten 1 book of coupons, and a recipe book.  I'm waiting on a photobook to come in as well, a 30 dollar value, and I got it FREE!  I will be sure to post pictures when it is delivered.
    I still need commenters and followers people!  Peace~

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